Ah, spring: Birds chirping. Flowers blooming. Sun shining. For many of us, the much anticipated season is quickly met with a sniffling, sneezing nose, along with itchy, watery eyes. This doesn’t mean you should plan to spend the next few months hiding indoors. We’ve put together a few tips to help you get through allergy season and enjoy the outdoors.

  1. Pinpoint your triggers. Talk with your doctor or allergist about an allergy skin test. Once you know your triggers, you can avoid them.
  2. Keep your windows closed. Don’t invite pollen into your home. Resist opening your windows on inviting spring days.
  3. Shower in the evening. After spending time outdoors your body is covered in allergens. By showering when you get home, you are avoiding lying in pollen all night.
  4. Wash your sheets and clothing often. Pollen sticks to fabric. Keep your home free from allergens by washing your sheets and fabrics as often as possible.


If these tips aren’t successful, schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your treatment options.


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