With all the long hours of sitting at our jobs, it can be difficult to get in a full workout. Luckily, there are all sorts of ways to add small doses of movement throughout your day. Following are five ideas to help you be more fit for life:

  1. Move it every hour. Set a timer to get out of your chair or try a new exercise. The idea is to allow yourself a few quick minutes to get in a dose of movement. Even standing is good. Incorporating regular walks and stretch breaks helps our bodies and our minds.
  2. Challenge yourself. Start as small as you like, but go for it: Complete a certain number of squats, pushups, sit-ups, or you-name-its during the course of the day. By pumping out 5–10 reps or 30–60 seconds each time, you’ll be upping your strength and stamina in no time.
  3. Keep a log. What you see gets done—there’s a lot of power in writing things down and tracking progress over time. For each hour or day that you incorporate a movement, check it off or log it using an app or notepad. You’ll quickly see how little movements add up!
  4. Track your steps and take the stairs. While research touts 10,000 steps or more per day for maximal health benefits, aim for 1,000 more than whatever you’re currently doing—even a few thousand makes a difference. Every step (and stair) counts!
  5. Be a force for the team. From coworker challenges to walking meetings, be creative in rallying the crew for regular movement, friendly competition, and social support.

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