Being organized is linked to stress relief, better sleep, more productivity, and a healthier life. And guess what? Organized people aren’t born that way. Their organization is a result of cultivating these great habits:

  1. Take a note, free your mind. You know that person who seems to remember everyone’s favorite meals, birthdays, and anniversaries? It’s not magic. You, too, can make it happen by writing things down. Whether it’s a running list for groceries (as soon as you notice you’re low on something), a reminder to call the vet, or keeping a calendar of birthdates, the trick is to get it in writing.
  2.  Make a schedule—and stick to it. It may seem like organized people have more time in a day than the rest of us, but the difference is how they’ve created a system to not waste time. Keeping things organized goes hand in hand with being productive. Making a schedule can be a great way to organize tasks—plus, you get a boost of joy whenever something gets done on time. If scheduling your days is new, try starting small—with a meal schedule, for example. Consider listing key meals and planning what you want to eat. If ideas come slowly, be patient. Being organized is meant to make life easier, so go easy on yourself.
  3.  Just do it now! Procrastination has a way of causing stress and anxiety. If you have a task that needs to be done, and you can complete it right then, just do it. If the task has a few variables beyond your control, write a list of things you need, a timeline, and a plan to see it through. Generally, the longer you wait to do something, the more stressful and difficult it becomes. Try your best to take control of the small tasks, and form a plan for the larger ones.
  4.  Everything needs a home. Do you know where your stapler is? What about extra batteries for the TV remote? When everything has a place (and you return it to its place), it will always be there when you need it. Organized people tend to keep order by storing belongings logically. For items that need to be tucked away, label the containers. If you can’t find a place for something, ask yourself if you really need it. If not, out it goes. It can take some time to give things a rightful place, but once you’ve found your system, you’ll know right where all the thingamajigs are. Pro tip: “Miscellaneous” makes for a lousy label.

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