7 tools that can help

Getting married, parenting, moving, changing careers, heading to college, losing someone, and retiring are all examples of life transitions. They can happen at any age and can feel so significant that we question a lot of about ourselves and our lives. While normal and unavoidable, here are seven tools to help manage the inevitable changes that life throws at us.

  1. Plan ahead: Positive changes, like getting married or having a baby, can still cause stress. When you know change is on the horizon, planning ahead is helpful. You can also leverage other people’s experiences, or technology to support your timelines and checklists.
  2. Practice self-care: Our routines are important for grounding us during chaotic times. So do what you can to get enough sleep and exercise, eat healthy, acknowledge your emotions by writing your feelings in a journal, and take time to relax. These behaviors can help you be at your best when times are emotionally intense.
  3. Socialize: Friends or family can be critical sources of support during major life events. They may have gone through similar experiences, and can offer advice, or even just a listening ear.
  4. See a therapist: Therapists are trained professionals who can help with stress, anxiety, depression, and grief. They can teach you coping strategies to use a specific moment in time for the rest of your life.
  5. Reflect: Transition points provide the perfect opportunity to examine your life, and consider your future. Think back on how you made it through uncertain times to build your confidence so that you can thrive moving forward.
  6. Find a role model: There is usually someone you can talk to who is familiar with the issues you’re going through who could offer insight. Moreover, inspiration can be anywhere you look, even a character in a movie or book.
  7. Change your mindset: Even if a transition feels devastating at first, like losing your job or having to move, try to see the positives. Imagine finding a job that is more meaningful. Or a new move provides an opportunity to declutter. Changing-up your routine stimulates your brain in a good way, and supports the development of new neural connections.

Want to learn more? Go to our library for healthy living and scroll down to the “Life Stages” section.
