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So far PacificSource has created 95 blog entries.

7 Ways to Make Self-care Part of Each Day

Self-care is more than a spa day, vacation, or pre-planned me-time. Instead, consider how self-care can take place anywhere, anytime. Let go of the idea that you can recover from a long hard work week with a fleeting pampering session on the weekend. Consider these seven strategies instead: Make the [...]

2021-05-03T14:47:27-07:00March 12, 2021|Employer Information, Healthy Life|

7 Ways to Make At-Home Dinners Fun for All

With busy schedules, setting aside quality family time has its own challenges. That’s where sit-down dinners can come in handy—even if it’s once a week. For bonding moments (and lasting memories), consider these seven tips to make family dinners count. Make the dinner table a nag-free zone. You can’t please [...]

2021-05-03T14:47:56-07:00February 12, 2021|Healthy Life|

10 Ways to Stay Connected Even at a Distance

Even before social distancing was part of our everyday conversation, no one was immune from feeling disconnected. Whether or not you’re having to spend too much time apart from family and friends, don’t forget to keep in touch—starting with these 10 ideas to reach out and stay connected: Calendar [...]

9 reminders to stay COVID-smart for the holidays

With months of a global pandemic to learn from, we continue to see how family gatherings spread the virus, sometimes with fatal consequences. Think long and hard about what’s right for you and your loved ones. The number of people attending (and for how long), how crowded the room, [...]

4 Ways to Think Like a Leader

Although there are many types of leadership which span a variety of character traits—confidence, intelligence, integrity—the leaders among us have figured out how purpose, empathy, and commitment help engage the team. Leadership is less about innate abilities and more about applying four basic disciplines: Practice continuous improvement. Leaders strive for [...]

2019-12-23T17:55:43-08:00October 9, 2020|Healthy Life|
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