Surviving the holidays

Now that COVID cases are being transmitted at a rate of one million per week across the U.S., our healthcare workers and hospital emergency rooms may be nearing a breaking point. Dr. Edward McEachern reminds us that the necessary prevention strategies also serve as a stark reminder to re-think traditional [...]

2020-11-20T13:21:38-08:00November 20, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

Keep moving to stop the COVID winter from bringing you down

Backed by 100,000 years of human evolution, Dr. Edward McEachern explains why getting out of our chair (or couch) for walks and bike rides benefits the mind and body in dramatic ways. Don’t let the cold, dark months be an excuse; now’s the time to heed the science of how [...]

2020-11-18T08:13:47-08:00November 17, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

Best friends for the new school year: Facts and Precautions

The best approach for making back-to-school decisions: Engage with your local school’s protocols and heed science-based guidance. Dr. Edward McEachern cites research and shares insight that can help limit transmission for a school year that supports staff, students, and communities. Content on these blog pages reflects what is current [...]

2020-09-02T12:57:33-07:00September 2, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

COVID-19 insights gathered from the “Huh?” file

Dr. Edward McEachern keeps what he calls a “Huh?” file—a veritable collection of studies to address all sorts of questions, including, “Where do COVID-19 victims think they caught the virus?” (They don’t know, but family and coworkers are the likely sources.) Although we’ve learned so much over the past three [...]

2020-07-29T13:04:57-07:00July 20, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

Understand the risk factors to help make better choices

Dr. Edward McEachern breaks down the types of risks that impact COVID-19 exposure. Aside from our general health and where we live, everyday choices play an important role. When making routine decisions, Dr. McEachern explains, it helps understanding how the "time, space, people, place" rule helps gauge risk to make [...]

2020-07-29T13:06:43-07:00June 4, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

The reasons and how-to’s for virtual doctor visits

Appointments with doctors, therapists, and other medical health experts can be done by phone, text, chat, and more. It's called telehealth. Dr. Mike Franz explains what it all means, the questions to ask your doctor's office, and the various applications that ensure a safe, secure telehealth experience. Content on [...]

2020-05-29T15:44:24-07:00May 29, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

Strategies for communities to move forward

Dr. Edward McEachern talks about the four ways pandemics reach their end. By applying strategies to limit transmission, conduct contact tracking, and support physical distancing, our communities can one day begin a metered—or “tight-loose-tight”—re-opening. Content on these blog pages reflects what is current for the posted date. Because of [...]

2020-05-28T10:54:55-07:00May 28, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

Violence in the home and vital lines of support

The stress of parenting, making ends meet, and the triggers for substance abuse can be difficult without a pandemic. But for some—confined at home and away from social support—sheltering in place may add danger. Dr. Mike Franz explains the devastation of interpersonal violence. If you know or suspect someone is [...]

2020-05-22T08:57:28-07:00May 22, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

The ABCs of surveillance testing

Get the latest strategies for testing those who’ve already contracted the coronavirus—and why? With animated graphics at his side, Dr. Edward McEachern explains the ins and outs of “surveillance testing” and its use to fight the virus with antibodies. Content on these blog pages reflects what is current for [...]

2020-05-18T15:25:42-07:00May 18, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|

Timely mental health tips for moms and dads

Parents: Is being with your kids 24/7 more than you bargained for? This week, Mental Health Awareness Month continues with Dr. Mike Franz, who walks you through some strategies for parenting during a pandemic. He talks about tackling kids’ behavioral challenges; balancing work and childcare in the home; finding your [...]

2020-05-13T15:11:58-07:00May 13, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Facts & Resources|
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