Ergonomics: what, why, and how

Simply put, ergonomics is the science of designing an environment to fit the worker, so the work is safer and more efficient. A primary goal of ergonomics is to reduce the risk of injury, which reduces healthcare costs. In addition, with good ergonomics, you’ll enjoy increased productivity, better overall [...]

2023-10-31T15:33:50-07:00June 3, 2024|Healthy Life, How to Best Serve Employees|

PacificSource’s Community Health Excellence grants energize community healthcare

Now in its 14th year, PacificSource’s Community Health Excellence (CHE) program awards annual grants to healthcare providers in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington to fund projects that address gaps in healthcare delivery, improve outcomes, and make communities healthier. In November 2023, PacificSource announced 26 healthcare organizations would receive funding [...]

Starting June 1: easier access to care away from home

Introducing in-network access to healthcare providers nationwide through our new collaboration with Aetna Signature Administrators® Please note: The following information applies only to PacificSource members covered by an individual, employer, or student health plan. Whether you’re on vacation, traveling for work, or you reside outside the PacificSource four-state network [...]

Belonging and purpose drive resilience and engagement

For a can-do team that pushes through whatever gets in the way, people need to have the essentials that build engagement: safety, belonging, and purpose. As a leader, it never hurts to ask everyone on the team for ways to shore up a general sense of safety, belonging and [...]

5 strategies for a better return-to-the-workplace experience

Since the March 2020 shutdown, change has been inescapable, whether it’s with our routines, relationships, or with our overall well-being. We’ve all been impacted to some degree, which is why return-to-the-office expectations should be tempered with patience and empathy—if not a fluid set of ground rules. AIM Leadership Founder [...]

5 Tips to Protect Your Financial Information

Life in the digital era means your private data is vulnerable—and valuable—to would-be thieves. That’s why part of our financial well-being should include everyday vigilance to stay one step ahead of cyber fraudsters, starting with these five tips: Secure physical sources of financial info. Keep important documents locked in [...]

2021-10-14T14:20:48-07:00December 10, 2021|Employer Information, Healthy Life|

5 Strategies for Job Safety and Ergonomic Health

We may recognize the importance of our health, but what about the toll of too much screen time or repetitive motions throughout the day? Whether sitting at a desk or operating equipment, the jobs we perform may call for greater awareness. Here are five best practices to help prevent [...]

2021-10-13T16:29:29-07:00November 12, 2021|Employer Information, Healthy Life|

5 Strategies to Be a Better Leader

Whether it’s heading up a home-improvement project, serving the community, or leading others at work, chances are you’re already embracing the leader within you—and helping others do the same. But what do the best leaders have in common? The answer is ongoing self-improvement, which can be accomplished using these [...]

2021-08-26T10:46:36-07:00September 10, 2021|Employer Information, Healthy Life, Leadership Insights|
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