Tell us about your healthcare experience this past year

It’s almost time for our annual, anonymous survey about patient experiences with the healthcare system, which includes providers, healthcare facilities, and health plans such as those offered by PacificSource. Patient experiences include communication with healthcare providers, the ability to schedule timely appointments, coordinated care from doctors and nurses, and [...]

2025-01-22T08:41:41-08:00January 21, 2025|Industry Insights, Understanding Insurance|

How was your healthcare this past year?

Sharing your experiences helps improve your care It’s almost time for the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, an anonymous annual survey that measures patient experiences with the healthcare system, which includes providers, healthcare facilities, and health plans such as those offered by PacificSource. Patient experiences include communication [...]

2024-02-05T14:18:54-08:00February 7, 2024|Industry Insights, Understanding Insurance|

PacificSource’s Community Health Excellence grants energize community healthcare

Now in its 14th year, PacificSource’s Community Health Excellence (CHE) program awards annual grants to healthcare providers in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington to fund projects that address gaps in healthcare delivery, improve outcomes, and make communities healthier. In November 2023, PacificSource announced 26 healthcare organizations would receive funding [...]

PacificSource and Summit Health create new models for quality improvement

As PacificSource marks our 90th anniversary, we’re looking at how the original, cooperative vision of our founding group of 13 doctors continues to define us. A fine example is our ongoing collaboration with Summit Health—a physician-led, patient-centric healthcare network with more than 170 providers and ten locations in Central [...]

2023-08-09T14:59:19-07:00August 24, 2023|Healthy Life, Industry Insights|

The public health emergency is ending May 11

Benefit changes are coming as a result Everyone has been impacted by the public health emergency over the last several years. This is why PacificSource worked diligently to prioritize the healthcare needs of its members. Now, as the public health emergency officially ends May 11, we want to make [...]

ZoomCare is now contracted with the Navigator network

Members on our Navigator plans now have more urgent care options in the Portland Metro area. Regardless of whether you live, work, or simply visit the Portland Metro area— access to urgent care just got easier with the addition of ZoomCare. This means more convenient access to quality urgent [...]

2023-04-18T13:07:27-07:00April 17, 2023|Healthy Life, Industry Insights|

Starting June 1: easier access to care away from home

Introducing in-network access to healthcare providers nationwide through our new collaboration with Aetna Signature Administrators® Please note: The following information applies only to PacificSource members covered by an individual, employer, or student health plan. Whether you’re on vacation, traveling for work, or you reside outside the PacificSource four-state network [...]

New Health Library: trusted health information and advice at your fingertips

Your best source for health advice is your personal doctor, but there are times when you want to know more about a symptom or explore treatment options. The Health Library is an online health database powered by Healthwise.® This resource allows you to quickly find answers to your personal [...]

2022-05-20T14:37:21-07:00May 23, 2022|Healthy Life, Industry Insights|

9 women who changed medicine forever

As researchers, inventors, healthcare professionals, and public health advocates, women have been instrumental in advancing healthcare -- often facing significant obstacles like poverty, sexism, and racism. To celebrate Women’s History Month, take a moment to learn about some of these influential women and their contributions. Rebecca Lee Crumpler, MD (1831 [...]

2021-05-03T14:46:19-07:00March 16, 2021|Industry Insights|

Help us make healthcare better

Your opinion matters! You may soon receive an important survey from SPH Analytics. If you get the mailing or email version, you can participate in a national effort to assess and improve healthcare in America. Survey participants are chosen at random, and there are good reasons for you to respond: [...]

2021-05-03T14:49:12-07:00January 15, 2021|Industry Insights, Understanding Insurance|
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