All of us at PacificSource are deeply affected by the murder of George Floyd and other racist attacks and deaths of persons in the Black community. We recognize that our organization must do more to express intolerance for racism and work to become a stronger voice for positive change in our communities. We know that words only mean so much, and that we must lead by example.
Our most foundational company value is that “we are committed to doing the right thing.” For PacificSource, that commitment informs the work we do in addressing social determinants of health and health inequities in the communities we serve. We recognize that the historical and current impacts of racism contribute significantly to glaring health inequities we see in underserved communities, and know that we must do more to address the racist roots of that inequality.
We’ve been honored to play an important role in our communities and acknowledge that we have a responsibility to provide leadership and set the tone.
As we move forward, we continue our commitment to the recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. We commit to supporting community based organizations that support people impacted by racism. We commit to accelerating our racial justice efforts with humility, and in collaboration with community, to realize the changes we seek.
It is imperative that we unite in condemning racism and intolerance to help create a better world.