Ergonomics: what, why, and how

Simply put, ergonomics is the science of designing an environment to fit the worker, so the work is safer and more efficient. A primary goal of ergonomics is to reduce the risk of injury, which reduces healthcare costs. In addition, with good ergonomics, you’ll enjoy increased productivity, better overall [...]

2023-10-31T15:33:50-07:00June 3, 2024|Healthy Life, How to Best Serve Employees|

Belonging and purpose drive resilience and engagement

For a can-do team that pushes through whatever gets in the way, people need to have the essentials that build engagement: safety, belonging, and purpose. As a leader, it never hurts to ask everyone on the team for ways to shore up a general sense of safety, belonging and [...]

5 strategies for a better return-to-the-workplace experience

Since the March 2020 shutdown, change has been inescapable, whether it’s with our routines, relationships, or with our overall well-being. We’ve all been impacted to some degree, which is why return-to-the-office expectations should be tempered with patience and empathy—if not a fluid set of ground rules. AIM Leadership Founder [...]

The Business Case for Wellness

“Since most adults spend more time at work than anywhere else, it makes sense that work should be a place that helps, rather than hinders, employees in meeting our health goals,” explains Tiana Wilkinson, Wellness Consultant for PacificSource. Tiana helps our employer clients implement successful wellness programs that fit their [...]

Helping Boomer Employees Understand Medicare Options

For Medicare-Eligible Employees Who Are Retiring: Part 3 of a 3-Part Series [row] [column size="col-8"] In the previous parts of this series, we focused on considerations for Medicare-eligible employees who opt to keep working. Here, let’s take a look at options for your Medicare-eligible employees who are planning to retire. [...]

Helping Boomer Employees Understand Medicare Options

How Group Coverage and Medicare Coordinate: Part 2 of a 3-Part Series [row] [column size="col-8"] For Medicare-eligible employees who choose to keep working and remain on your group health plan, the way that coverage coordinates with Medicare depends on your organization’s size—specifically, your number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. If [...]

Helping Boomer Employees Understand Medicare Options

For Active Employees Moving from a Group Plan to Medicare: Part 1 of a 3-Part Series [row] [column size="col-8"] Many Americans, age 65 and over, choose to keep working. These employees must decide whether or not to keep your group plan coverage. If they’re considering dropping that coverage and moving [...]

Want Healthy Employees? Encourage Sparkling Smiles

Good oral hygiene is important—not only for looking great, but for preventing diseases in other parts of the body as well. Studies show that poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems, such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, heart disease, strokes, and more.* The [...]

Help Employees to Reduce High Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology have recently released new guidelines for high blood pressure. This change drops the previous standard of 140/90 down to 130/80. Using this new threshold, over half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure. High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) can [...]

Tobacco Free Resources – Help Your Employee Help Themselves

It can be tough to know when someone is ready to take the next step to quit using tobacco and improve their health. That’s why it’s important to provide employees with resources that will help them when they are ready. From health coaches to mobile apps, resources are just a [...]

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