Helping Boomer Employees Understand Medicare Options

How Group Coverage and Medicare Coordinate: Part 2 of a 3-Part Series [row] [column size="col-8"] For Medicare-eligible employees who choose to keep working and remain on your group health plan, the way that coverage coordinates with Medicare depends on your organization’s size—specifically, your number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. If [...]

Helping Boomer Employees Understand Medicare Options

For Active Employees Moving from a Group Plan to Medicare: Part 1 of a 3-Part Series [row] [column size="col-8"] Many Americans, age 65 and over, choose to keep working. These employees must decide whether or not to keep your group plan coverage. If they’re considering dropping that coverage and moving [...]

10 Most Common Questions at Benefit Meetings

We have a team of insanely knowledgeable service reps who’s mission is to visit the companies who’ve purchase a PacificSource plan and explain the benefits to the employees, as well as answer all sorts of questions on how they can use their benefits. In their quest to make sure our [...]

What is Presenteeism?

Presenteeism is one of those words that is listed with other positive expected outcomes of health and wellbeing programs and employee engagement. It can be defined as being physically on the job, but we are either physically ill or mentally preoccupied due to stress. When an employee is present but not [...]

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