The public health emergency is ending May 11

Benefit changes are coming as a result Everyone has been impacted by the public health emergency over the last several years. This is why PacificSource worked diligently to prioritize the healthcare needs of its members. Now, as the public health emergency officially ends May 11, we want to make [...]

5 strategies for a better return-to-the-workplace experience

Since the March 2020 shutdown, change has been inescapable, whether it’s with our routines, relationships, or with our overall well-being. We’ve all been impacted to some degree, which is why return-to-the-office expectations should be tempered with patience and empathy—if not a fluid set of ground rules. AIM Leadership Founder [...]

10 Ways to Stay Connected Even at a Distance

Even before social distancing was part of our everyday conversation, no one was immune from feeling disconnected. Whether or not you’re having to spend too much time apart from family and friends, don’t forget to keep in touch—starting with these 10 ideas to reach out and stay connected: Calendar [...]

Anxious about COVID-19? Guidance for emotional health

Strong communities mean the world to us, which include quality time with friends and family to share, laugh, learn, and play—and being able to be our healthiest best. That’s why social distancing can seem so difficult. Several factors contribute to today’s uncertainty Adjusting to the safety measures required to curb [...]

2020-03-30T16:17:10-07:00March 23, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Health & Wellness|

Is staying tucked in and isolated with the kids giving you cabin fever?

Many of us are following the CDC guidelines and self-isolating or we are quarantined because of COVID-19. If staying tucked in and isolated with the kids is giving you a case of cabin fever, we’re here to help! Here are some free online resources to entertain you and your little [...]

2020-03-30T16:18:22-07:00March 17, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, Health & Wellness|
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