Getting care for non-COVID health concerns

In the midst of our current health crisis, life continues, and other maladies are still occurring. But with healthcare services being dedicated to fighting the coronavirus (COVID-19), you might be tempted to postpone or not seek other healthcare. Maybe your doctor’s office is closed to nonurgent care, or you don’t [...]

PacificSource expands telehealth services in fight against COVID-19

For the COVID-19 outbreak, PacificSource is joining providers to expand access to virtual doctor visits. Getting care by phone or video allows you to stay at home, which helps reduce the spread and ensure that you’re getting the care you need. In the fight against COVID-19, telehealth services give you [...]

2020-04-13T14:34:49-07:00April 8, 2020|COVID-19, COVID-19 Members, How to Get Care|

Coronavirus—get the facts for a greater understanding

As PacficSource monitors the spread of the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), our aim is to keep our members and communities informed. Although the severity of the coronavirus outbreak is difficult to predict, we’re keeping in close contact with healthcare providers, state coronavirus response teams, and health agencies in [...]

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